Die Plattform Belly of the Beast informiert regelmäßig über die Lage in Kuba – mit aktuellen Nachrichten, Hintergünden, Berichten aus Perspektiven, die sonst nicht zu finden sind in US-amerikanischen Medien. Die Inhalte gibt es ab jetzt auch als Newsletter, den wir euch ans Herz legen möchten, um aktuell mit den Neuigkeiten aus dem Bauch des Biestes versorgt zu sein. Hier könnt ihr euch zum Newsletter anmelden.
Im ersten Newsletter seht ihr ein Interview von Liz Oliva Fernández mit dem amerikanischen Universitätsprofessor und Kuba-Experten William LeoGrande zu den Hintergründen der Kuba-Politik Joseph Bidens. Neben O-Tönen zu gesellschaftlichen Themen findet ihr außerdem einen korrigierenden Blick in die US-Presse, Einordnungen zu aktuellen Ereignissen, Leseempfehlungen und erfahrt, warum junge Menschen in den USA Belly of Beast als unschätzbare Ressource ansehen.
Newsletter 27th June, 2024
Welcome to the first installment of Belly of the Beast’s newsletter: Cuba in Context. This is your one-stop shop for breaking news, incisive reporting, and the untold stories about Cuba and U.S.-Cuba relations. INTERVIEW OF THE WEEK: William LeoGrande “There’s no question the United States is waging an economic war against Cuba.” – American University Professor William LeoGrande Belly of the Beast journalist Liz Oliva Fernández sat down with American University professor and Cuba expert William LeoGrande to put Biden’s Cuba policy in context. LeoGrande explains the reason behind Biden’s labeling of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism, shows why making a change in policy toward Cuba might not affect Democrats in this year’s elections and breaks down how U.S. sanctions have made the human rights situation in Cuba worse. OUR LATEST STORIES We talk to Cubans to see what they think about Russian warships and a submarine that recently visited Havana’s harbor. WATCH Agricultural commissioners from seven states visited Cuba and called for better relations and policy changes. WATCH “Cuba’s private sector is not a myth.” Cuban entrepreneurs respond to allegations by Cuban-American politicians. WATCH BEHIND THE HEADLINES: From Cruise Ships to Warships Six years ago, cruise ships from Miami were dropping off boatloads of U.S. visitors at Havana’s port on a daily basis. Since then, Carnival and Royal Caribbean have been replaced with Russian warships and a nuclear-powered submarine. RECOMMENDED READING Robert Kuttner, co-founder of The American Prospect, asks why Biden has not changed his Cuba policy since his longtime ally Bob Menendez was forced to step down from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. (For more background on Menendez and Cuba policy, check out our documentary Hardliner on the Hudson, which Kuttner cites). “Try not to overreact,” writes Cuba expert William LeoGrande, who shows how Biden’s Cold War-era policy toward Cuba has forced the island to depend on U.S. adversaries like Russia. Cuba is “suddenly the hottest LGBTQ destination in the Caribbean,” according to Travel + Leisure. Ben Rhodes, former Deputy National Security Advisor under Obama, wrote in Foreign Affairs how the “avalanche of sanctions” on Cuba imposed by Trump and maintained by Biden has caused “an acute humanitarian crisis,” fueling migration to the U.S. border. WHAT THE MEDIA IS GETTING WRONG BELLY OF THE BEAST IS “BADASS” See why young people in the United States are calling Belly of the Beast “amazing” and a “huge resource,” and how we have changed the way they see Cuba. Belly of the Beast in the News Belly of the Beast journalist Liz Oliva Fernández talks about what life was like growing up under U.S. sanctions in an interview with Maximillian Alvarez, Editor-in-Chief of The Real News Network. Award-winning journalist Ann Garrison wrote an extensive review of our documentary Hardliner on the Hudson for Black Agenda Report. Liz was recently interviewed on Breakthrough News, where she spoke of her experience both interviewing U.S. politicians and talking with people in the streets of Washington, D.C. about U.S. policy toward Cuba. Spread the Word! Help us spread the word about our latest documentaries, Hardliner on the Hudson and Uphill on the Hill, using this social media toolkit. About Belly of the Beast Belly of the Beast is an innovative U.S.-based media outlet that tells Cuba’s untold stories through hard-hitting journalism and stunning cinematography. Since launching in early 2020, Belly of the Beast has become the go-to source for news and documentaries about Cuba for young people in the United States. We receive no money from any government or corporation. We are fueled by donations from individuals. Donate Here! |