The Association of Serbian-Cuban Friendship from Belgrade (Serbia) hostetd a Video Conference ”¡Fidel – Por Siempre!” organized on the occasion of marking the 4th anniversary of the death of the legendary leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro Ruz (the video conference premiered on 25th November 2020).
The following participants have taken part in the video conference:
- His Excellency Mr. Gustavo Tristá del Todo – Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to the Republic of Serbia;
- Mr. Sveto Dobrijević – Vice President of the Association of Serbian-Cuban Friendship from Belgrade;
- Mr. Djordje Komlenski – Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Serbia, Lawyer, President of Parliamentary group for cooperation with Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela;
- Mr. Bojan Dragićević – Bachelor of Laws, Lawyer.
The Association of Serbian-Cuban Friendship Belgrade will continue the realization of its mission in order to connect all people of good will who nurture and affirm cultural, scientific, spiritual, economic and other forms of cooperation between the Serbian and Cuban people.